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Кам'янське ВПУ
Для абітурієнта
Наша адреса:
м. Кам'янськепр. Гімназичний,10
Індекс: 51925
Тел.: (0569)55-42-55
e-mail: dndz_vpu@ua.fm kamvpudp@gmail.com Приймальна комісія тел.:067-369-38-35
e-mail: dndz_vpu@ua.fm kamvpudp@gmail.com Приймальна комісія тел.:067-369-38-35
Vocational (vocational and technical) education "Skilled worker"
Based on 9 classes:
- Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
- Machine tool of a wide profile; Operator of machines with a PC
- Locksmith repairing rolling stock; Diesel locomotive driver's assistant
- Machinist of a metallurgical crane; Crane operator (crane operator)
- Electric gas boiler; Electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines
- Locksmith-repairman; electric welder for manual welding
On the basis of 11 classes:
- Electrician for repair and maintenance of electrical equipment
- Machinist of a metallurgical crane
- Lathe
- Electric gas boiler
Vocational preliminary education "Vocational Junior Bachelor"
On the basis of the OKR "Qualified worker"
- Applied mechanics (Welding production)
- Electric power engineering, electrical engineering and electromechanics
(Installation and operation of electrical equipment of enterprises and civil structures)